


Competitive edge In todays market companies are continuously striving to get a strategic advantage over their competitors. The primary focus is as always to enhance sales, improve margins, convert leads into sales and to enhance the use of IT. IT has become the single most important resource to add value…
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Communication and Technology

Communication and Technology

Helping clients enhance operational efficiencies Telecom companies are experiencing, what insiders would term as increasingly challenging yet interesting times. An unprecedented subscriber growth, cheaper smart phones, huge untapped rural potential, declining tariffs and margin pressure are prevalent in this industry. The nature of the industry is capex heavy and newer…
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Textile and Retail

The major source of foreign exchange for Pakistan The textile and its extension the retail sector is the lifeline for Pakistan’s economy. With textiles constituting over 50% of Pakistan’s exports proceeds and Pakistan being the 8th largest exporter of textile products in Asia, its importance cannot be understated. With the…
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Real Estate and Construction

Leveraging our strong relationships to help achieve the Client’s vision At Parker Russell we believe that real estate development is one of the fundamental growth factors for any economy. With its undeniable impact on numerous ancillary industries, the real estate sector has been traditionally used to jump start economic activity.…
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Financial Sector

Mandatory regulatory change, cost reduction, operational efficiency, industry convergence and consolidation, as well as technological innovation are impacting the financial services industry in a way never seen before.
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Shipping and Logistics

A multibillion dollar opportunity in the making A modern transport infrastructure is the way forward for Pakistan’s development. It plays a major role in the economic uplift of a country as its implications promote enhanced internal and external trade, provides precious foreign exchange and results in economic use of natural…
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Not for Profit

Helping charities prosper in a highly competitive marketplace We believe in giving back to the community therefore we actively engage with NGOs, charities and not for profit organizations. The profile of not-for-profit organizations and specially NGOs in the developing world has increased dramatically over the past two decades. International and…
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trade and services

Trade and Services

Trade and services are essential pillars of modern economies, driving growth and development across global markets. Trade involves the exchange of goods and services between countries, facilitating access to resources and products that might be unavailable or costly to produce locally. It fosters competition, encourages innovation, provides consumers with a…
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power generation

Power Generation

Power generation is the most critical sector of the Pakistani economy and is single handedly responsible for determining the economic direction of Pakistan. The sector is undergoing significant transformation driven by the need for sustainable and clean energy solutions. Fossil fuel-based power generation, while still dominant, faces increasing scrutiny due…
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