Not for Profit

Helping charities prosper in a highly competitive marketplace

We believe in giving back to the community therefore we actively engage with NGOs, charities and not for profit organizations.

The profile of not-for-profit organizations and specially NGOs in the developing world has increased dramatically over the past two decades. International and local NGOs have moved centre stage within international, national and local efforts in a number of areas including poverty reduction, child welfare, health, education etc. and are now seen as an important element of ‘civil society’.

In the context of Pakistan, there are thousands of NGOs working and these are playing a very significant role.

These organizations require greater clarity in their financial affairs and utilization of their funds especially in cases where majority of donations are from international donors. Through our knowledge of our clients’ affairs we have been able to assist with the preparation and presentation of annual reports and accounts and all other business areas as requested by the Client.

When it comes to CSR we will match you step by step

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)